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Our new range

A family story...

In the valley where history mingles with terroir, our winery proudly embraces its family roots. Today, we are delighted to present our new range of wines, where each bottle tells a precious chapter of our heritage. Each name and date resonates with the significant moments that have shaped our history.


These wines embody much more than exquisite aromas; they are the fruit of our passion, our dedication, our love for the land and for our family. We invite you to share these memorable moments with us, to savour every sip and to soak up the spirit that has driven our estate for generations.

Depuis 1896...

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C'est à cette date mémorable que mon grand-père, Charles Bonaventure, a acquis le domaine. Ce vin exceptionnel, élaboré en 2008, a été méticuleusement élevé pendant 16 ans en fûts de chêne. Avant la mise en bouteille, nous avons enrichi ce nectar d'un sirop de jus de raisin, ce qui lui confère de délicates nuances de pruneaux macérés, de vin de noix et même de porto.


A déguster en apéritif ou en fin de repas, avec du fromage, suivi d'une boule de glace ou d'un somptueux dessert au chocolat.


Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale et l'occupation allemande, mes grands-parents ont entrepris de reconstruire et de réaménager le domaine, en réalisant de grands travaux. En 1947, ils célèbrent le renouveau tant attendu. Les Délices d'Angèle" incarne ce renouveau. Il s'agit essentiellement du même vin, auquel nous avons ajouté une pointe de sirop de jus de raisin pour lui donner une subtile douceur.


Ce vin est idéal en apéritif, avec des fromages ou des desserts.

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En 2021, marquant notre passage à l'agriculture biologique, nous avons baptisé ce millésime en conséquence. Ce vin, issu de la récolte 2023, est un subtil assemblage de Sauvignon et de Chardonnay, offrant une typicité remarquable alliant tension, fraîcheur, fruité, opulence, suavité et notes florales. La macération de 7 jours entre la peau et le jus confère à ce vin blanc une touche d'originalité unique.


A déguster avec des poissons en sauce, des viandes rouges ou des fromages pour en apprécier toute la complexité.

La gamme Compte de Maurepas

This range has the particularity of being aged in oak barrels for several months. These are the top-of-the-range wines from the Domaine de Saint-Pierre.

Comtesse de Maurepas white

Grape variety : Chardonnay.


This white wine is aged for 6 months in oak barrels. A sumptuous blend of buttery, vanilla, toasted and spicy notes.

Long and round on the palate. Fat and powerful.


What to serve it with?

A full-bodied wine that goes well with fish in sauce, smoked salmon or goat's cheese.


75cl - €15

Comte de Maurepas

Comte de Maurepas red

Grape variety : Merlot et Marselan


This wine is aged in oak barrels for 12 months. It is a refined wine. It has animal, smoky and fruity notes such as prune and fig. Its tannins are balanced and easy to drink. It is a wine with long-lasting aromas on the palate.


What to serve it with?


It goes well with more elaborate dishes, red meats in sauce and game.



75cl - €17

La gamme Compte de Maurepas

This range has the particularity of being aged in oak barrels for several months. These are the top-of-the-range wines from the Domaine de Saint-Pierre.



Grape variety : Merlot .


An elegant, fresh and delicious rosé. A charming nose with aromas of raspberry and Morello cherry.


What to serve it with?


Aperitifs, grills, salads and pizzas will be his favourite dishes.


75cl - €10




Grape variety : Sauvignon.


Fruity, fresh, simple and light on the palate. A lively, delicious dry white wine with notes of citrus and exotic fruit. Full-bodied and delicate on the palate.


What to serve it with?


Slightly acidic, it goes well with grilled fish, oysters, mussels and other seafood.


75cl - €10



Grape variety : Merlot et Marselan.


This fine blend is made up of spicy notes and liquorice coated with red and black fruit. A deep colour. Gourmet tannins on the palate, reflecting the ideal balance between Merlot and Marselan


What to serve it with?


To share with grilled meats.


75cl - €10

La gamme Compte de Maurepas

This range has the particularity of being aged in oak barrels for several months. These are the top-of-the-range wines from the Domaine de Saint-Pierre.

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Le Lièvre et le Chardo

Grape variety : Chardonnay


A well-balanced wine with good acidity and minerality, with pineapple and citrus aromas.


What to serve it with?


"Le Lièvre et le Chardo" is the perfect accompaniment to aperitifs, tapas and cheese platters. It also goes very well with oysters or a seafood platter.


75cl - €8.50


Le Merlot et le Renard


Grape variety : Merlot


This is a light red wine, very supple on the palate. Its intense colour and aromas of red and black fruits make it a charming wine. Best enjoyed young, this Merlot combines deliciousness with fruity freshness.

It's a red wine that's sure to please, very representative of the "Les Fables" range.


What to serve it with?


A perfect accompaniment to poultry, white meat, fish or raw vegetable dishes.


75cl - €8.50

En savoir plus sur nos vignes

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